Contributions explained

Contributions are the costs we recover from developers to fund drainage scheme works and stormwater offsets. Contributions are based on the development size and the development type.

​Contributions are paid as development occurs and properties contribute on the basis of land area and land zoning.

Drainage schemes (sometimes referred to as ‘development services schemes’) are the master plans for drainage in a specific catchment area.

Each scheme has a per hectare contribution rate attached to it, calculated so the income derived from the contribution equals the planned expenditure over the expected life of the scheme.

These contributions are used to reimburse the developers that construct the scheme works.

There are two components:

  1. Hydraulic component - funds and drainage infrastructure, including waterway protection works
  2. Water quality component - funds the construction of stormwater quality treatments such as wetlands and WSUD elements. The stormwater quality component may be reduced or negated by the developer undertaking their own on-site stormwater quality treatment works (works additional to any proposed scheme works).

 More information

Calculate your drainage contribution

Drainage schemes explained  

Stormwater offset contributions are paid by developers to reduce the impacts of stormwater pollution from urban developments.

Developers pay a contribution to us for necessary stormwater management works where they cannot meet their stormwater objectives onsite. Applicable contributions are paid as development occurs.

Stormwater offsets are based on the area developed and the development type. For example, industrial development pays a higher rate than low-density residential development, as it generates more stormwater run-off.

Stormwater offset contributions apply for areas outside of drainage schemes. However, some drainage schemes also include a stormwater offset rate.

More information

Calculate your stormwater offset contribution

Stormwater offsets explained

Water quality contributions explained

Our policies governing scheme works have been developed to provide a safe, effective system for dealing with run-off, ensure appropriate flood protection and provide drainage services in the existing and growth areas of Melbourne. Our policies protect our rivers, creeks and floodplains in order to meet the environmental, economic, recreational and cultural needs of current and future generations. 

Contributions policy

We have the authority to collect drainage contributions through provisions in the Planning and Environment Act 1987, Planning Schemes, the Subdivision Act 1988 and the Water Act 1989


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