Planning your development

If you've submitted your application for a planning permit to your local council we may have added some conditions on you being granted the permit. Follow this step-by-step process.

Check for drainage conditions in the planning permit.

You may be required to enter into an agreement with us to provide drainage services as a condition of your planning permit. You may also need to comply with other conditions before we consent to council granting a planning permit.

Once we've received your application, we'll prepare and forward an Offer of conditions of agreement to the owner. This offer:

  • sets out conditions under which waterway and drainage services will be provided to the development

  • includes details of special conditions and financial arrangements relating to the development

Your offer may require you to construct drainage works (works offer).

Non-works offers

This usually requests that you pay a contribution towards the funding of waterways and drainage infrastructure that services a new subdivision or development. There are no requirements to actually construct any infrastructure.

You'll receive our response within 28 days, as agreed with the land development industry, unless:

  • you've provided insufficient information to assess the application

  • we require additional information from you

Works offers

This will specify any contributions required, and will also specify works that are to be constructed by the developer and the reimbursement arrangements that will enable the project to proceed.

You'll receive our response within 60 days, as agreed with the land development industry, unless:

  • you've provided insufficient information to assess the application

  • we require additional information from you

The written works offer will:

  • specify design criteria for all assets

  • identify significant environmental issues that need to be considered in the design, or the need for further survey work to be undertaken

  • identify significant cultural issues that need to be considered in the design, or the need for further survey work to be undertaken

  • include details about how the reimbursement will be determined

  • include details on the defects liability period

The works offer will also provide comments and reminders on later stages of the project including:

  • designs need to be compliant with our standards

  • tenders need to be accepted before the work starts

  • construction must undergo QA processes

If you agree to the offer of conditions, sign the attached form and return it to us. You may choose to defer the payment of contributions if applicable to your agreement.

Non-works offer

You'll not be required to construct drainage works. Once you have met the conditions of the offer, we will issue our consent to Statement Of Compliance (subdivision permit) or Certificate of Occupancy (development permit).

Works offer

You're required to construct drainage works.

If you choose to commence work before accepting the works offer, you accept to carry the risks associated with:

  • lack of clarity on the basis for reimbursement

  • impact on flora, fauna and heritage issues

  • land disturbance in environmental pollution

  • community related issues

Once you have met thee conditions of the offer, including constructing the required works to our satisfaction, we will issue our consent to Statement of Compliance (subdivision permit) or Certificate of Occupancy (development permit) and Certificate of Completion (works).

Put your project in context

The detail in works offers may vary between stages and estates.

Read all relevant documentation and agreements applicable to the entire estate as well as that for each stage. This will ensure you understand how our requirements will be applied across stages and the contractual arrangements for the particular stage.

Works offers are generally issued for stages that contain proposed scheme works.

Check our requirements

Review our requirements for providing drainage infrastructure in new developments.

Contact us with any comments or queries:


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