Pre-development checks

Before you purchase or develop property, or apply to your council for a planning or building permit, there are things you need to do to make sure your development meets current standards for drainage and stormwater quality. You’ll also want to know what the related costs are.

It’s also important to find out early whether you’re near or over any of our assets - such as mains or waterways or easements and understand our requirements.

Pre-development advice checklist

Get our pre-development advice early and avoid unnecessary costs and delays.

Pre-development advice

Before you contact us for advice, you'll need:

  • site location
  • development type (subdivision​, building or structure or works)

​Afterwards, you'll know:

  • what drainage scheme you're in (if any)
  • our associated scheme contribution costs to develop
  • if you're in a flood overlay
  • if you're near or over any of our assets

Drainage schemes

Drainage schemes guide the standards you need to meet for flood protection, water quality and waterway health. Find your scheme or download a PDF copy of it.

Find out if you’re in a drainage scheme
Download a PDF of your drainage scheme

Contribution costs

We recover costs from developers to fund drainage scheme works and stormwater quality offsets. These are called ‘contributions’. Work out what contributions may apply.

Calculate your drainage contribution
Calculate your stormwater quality offset contribution


Find out if your land is subject to flooding, and whether you need our consent to get a planning permit from your council, or if you just want to know your flood level information.

Get flood level information

Work or build near our assets or easements

Installing utilities? Building a carport, jetty, shared pathway? Need to connect to the stormwater system? If you’re working near our assets – such as drains, sewers and easements or waterways, you’ll need our consent.

Check if assets are near your development and locate assets
Apply to work or build near our assets

Contact us

If you need any help, contact us on 131 722.

Email [email protected]

Last updated: