Find your drainage scheme
If you're planning a development project in greater Melbourne, use this map to find your drainage scheme.
Already know your drainage scheme? Download a copy of it
Please note: Clicking directly on the map to find drainage scheme information is not currently available. We are working to restore this functionality as soon as possible. If you require assistance finding drainage schemes please contact our Customer Service Centre.
The calculator stipulates the level of best practice expected within a development. The level of treatment achieved (% of best practice) can be increased beyond the expected amount or decreased where mitigating circumstances prevent local treatment.
This calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only as it is not possible to provide for all special conditions which may apply in particular circumstances. The results generated are based on the accuracy of information and on the assumptions shown or selected by you. The information which you calculate using this calculator is an approximate guide only and the existence of a printout does not constitute any agreement on the level of developer contributions which will apply. The terms and conditions for particular development schemes may be varied or introduced in the future. Fees and charges may by payable. For confirmation of contributions payable please submit a formal application for conditions to the Land Development Team at Melbourne Water by filling in the Application for Conditions Agreement
A drainage scheme - sometimes referred to as a ‘development scheme’ or ‘development services scheme’ - is simply a master plan for drainage in a specific catchment area. They guide the standards that you need to meet for flood protection, water quality and waterway health.
Need to know more about drainage schemes?