Water retail companies

Aerial photograph of Stony Creek and surrounds

If you need a solution to an issue in your home concerning water supply and quality, contact your local water retailer. This is the company who sends your water bill.

To contact your local water retailer, visit their website below. If you're not sure who they are, browse this list from VicWater.

Your local council is responsible for most residential stormwater drains.

​Metropolitan water retailers

Regional water retailers


How we work together

Aerial views of Silvan Reservoir
Aerial views of Silvan Reservoir

Melbourne Water works collaboratively with water retail companies to deliver valued and affordable water and sewage services to the community.

  • We provide wholesale water supply and sewage management services to water retail companies, who in turn provide it to your household.
  • Retail water companies also collect your sewage before the majority is transferred into Melbourne Water’s sewerage system for treatment.

Water supply

To supply water to you, we deliver water to the retail water companies from water supply catchments and the Victorian Desalination Plant through a network of water supply reservoirs and transfer pipelines. 

We supply water to some regional water corporations, but it's generally only a supplementary source of water for these customers.

See this map for how we work together.

Sewage treatment

The sewage produced by households, commercial, and industrial activities in Melbourne is removed by retail water companies and transferred for treatment to Melbourne Water using a different network of pipelines and sewage treatment plants.

Some sewage is treated by the retail water corporations, but the majority is transferred into Melbourne Water’s sewerage system and treated at the Eastern Treatment Plant at Bangholme or the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee.

Melbourne Water also supplies recycled water to some water retail corporations.

See this map for how we work together.

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