Beaconsfield Dam Safety Upgrade project
We're partially upgrading Beaconsfield Reservoir to protect downstream properties and communities. The reservoir was permanently disconnected from Melbourne's water supply network in 1988.
We're partially upgrading Beaconsfield Reservoir to protect downstream properties and communities. The reservoir was permanently disconnected from Melbourne's water supply network in 1988.
We’ve completed the modification works to strengthen and extend the life of the Blind Creek footbridge in Fairpark Reserve. The bridge is open and detours around the Blind Creek Trail have been removed.
We gather research data at Boag Rocks, on the Mornington Peninsula, where Class A recycled water is discharged from the Eastern Treatment Plant.
As part of the Enhancing Our Dandenong Creek program, Melbourne Water is working with stakeholders and the community to improve the habitat, ecology and amenity of Dandenong Creek.
We’re planning to complete a dam safety upgrade to Cardinia Reservoir in the summer of 2024/25, to protect and prolong the life of one of Victoria’s most pristine water catchments that supplies Melburnians with world-class drinking water.
Melbourne Water is removing the infestation of giant pine scale from Cardinia Reservoir and replanting the affected areas with native plants. These works will protect the local environment from further damage from giant pine scale and ensure the long-term biodiversity of the area.
We’re trialling a better way of collaborating to address challenges in the Moonee Ponds Creek Catchment, progressively transforming the creek through co-designing and co-delivering projects.
We are planning to transfer 280 hectares of our land to the Crown for conservation purposes, and rezone and sell the remainder on the open market. The land was previously earmarked for the Watsons Creek Storage Reservoir.
Melbourne Water will be conducting rehabilitation works to the Church Street Main Drain in Hawthorn between Church Street and College Street Hawthorn.