

Epping-Somerton water main connection works


Melbourne Water is undertaking water main upgrade works in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. These upgrade works will ensure that additional water can be transferred between Silvan and Greenvale reservoirs to accommodate for the area’s future growth and ensure the community continues to be provided with a reliable and secure water supply.

Feral Cat Free French Island


We're collaborating with government agencies and the French Island community on a five-year project to create a safe haven for threatened wildlife, by eradicating feral cats from French Island.

Grow West


Grow West is a long-term, collaborative environmental program working to rejuvenate degraded landscapes in the Upper Werribee Catchment and create vegetation connections between the YouYangs Regional Park, Brisbane Ranges National Park, Werribee Gorge State Park and Lerderderg State Park.

Haunted Gully Creek Revegetation and Weed Control Works


In Melbourne, our rivers and creeks are essential to our way of life. That’s why at Melbourne Water we’re removing weeds and planting native plants along a 3km stretch of Haunted Gully Creek. Once established, the vegetation will protect the banks of the creek and provide habitat so our native wildlife can thrive.