Price Submission

Our Price Submission details our proposed services in water, sewerage, waterways and drainage over a five-year period, as well as the cost of delivering these and the prices we intend to charge customers.

It is subject to approval by the Essential Services Commission, Victoria’s independent regulator, which regularly reviews prices for water and other essential services to protect the interests of consumers.

Prices for our wholesale water and sewerage services are different to the charges on your water bill. These charges are set by your retail water company, factoring in the wholesale cost of the services we provide to them, as well as their own planned works and investments.

Price Submission 2026-2031

We’re planning our water future with customers and community across Greater Melbourne for our next Price Submission. For the latest updates, timelines and opportunities to help shape our water journey, follow the project on our Let’s Talk website.

2021 Price Submission

Our 2021 Submission was centred on six key outcomes we proposed to deliver to customers in 2021-26, and the investments in our services to achieve them. It also included proposed measures for reporting our performance, so we remain accountable for fulfilling our commitments.

Download our Submission

Download an overview of our Submission or the full document, lodged with the Essential Services Commission on 9 November 2020.

Draft and final decisions

The Commission released their draft decision on our Submission on 25 March 2021. Our response to their draft decision was submitted on 4 May 2021:

The Commission released their final determination on our Price Submission on 22 June 2021. This can be viewed on the Essential Services Commission’s website.

Assessing our progress: customer outcomes performance report

We hold ourselves accountable for fulfilling our commitments to customers, by evaluating and transparently reporting on our performance against the six Customer Outcomes and six programs that received an uplift in operational expenditure in our 2021 Price Submission.


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