Flood level information

​We charge the retail water businesses, LANDATA and Dye & Durham a fee to provide flood level information for properties that may be subject to flooding.

Prices from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025

Service​ ​Charge ($)
Property information statements
(charge per statement to retail water companies)
Statements contain property flood level information from Melbourne Water and are available from Melbourne's retail water companies.​
Flood level certificates
(charge to LANDATA and Dye & Durham)
Certificates include advice about whether a property is affected by flooding.​
Flood feasibility study
(charge per half day to carry out a flood feasibility study)
A study will analyse flooding and the impact of the proposal on flood levels, flows and the storage capacity of the flood plain. Available to customers who may wish to develop or subdivide land.​

These prices were reviewed through a public process by the Essential Services Commission.

The 2021 Water Price Review covers a five year regulatory period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026. Prices will increase annually during this period by CPI only.

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