Hydrologic data
View fees and forms for requesting the hydrological data we collect in the Melbourne area, including rainfall data and storm frequency analysis.
View fees and forms for requesting the hydrological data we collect in the Melbourne area, including rainfall data and storm frequency analysis.
This activity explores the impact of people and stormwater pollution on platypus.
An industry capacity-building program promoting integrated water management for healthy, connected communities.
Observe the key features of waterbugs and consider how they are intrinsic to their survival in waterways.
Learn about the different frog species living in Melbourne's distinct waterway ecosystems, and how they've evolved to survive there.
Discover where frogs live and what helps them survive there, and learn about the effect of environmental changes on frog populations.
Discover the history of the artificial Dights Falls weir, its impact on native fish, and the site's importance to the traditional owners.
Read the service standards, guidelines and resources for some of Melbourne Water's key customers.
Learn how raingardens protect rivers and creeks from stormwater pollution, and how you can build one.
Study your local frogs to learn about biological classification, ecosystem processes and humans' impact on the natural environment.