Increased nutrients in the waterway (Years 5-6)
Explore the effects of extra nutrients entering a waterway via the stormwater system.
Explore the effects of extra nutrients entering a waterway via the stormwater system.
Simple hands-on activities build understanding of the water cycle, alternative water sources, and the importance of using water wisely.
Follow sewage's journey from homes to the treatment plant and understand what shouldn't be put down the system.
View prices for the supply, treatment and transfer of drinking water to Melbourne’s retail water companies and other non-metropolitan water businesses.
This series of activities explores the journey of stormwater and its impact on rivers, creeks and bays.
Explore the link between turbidity (a measure of water clarity) and erosion, and the impact on freshwater organisms.
We charge Melbourne’s three retail water businesses to remove, treat and dispose of the sewage and trade waste we collect from them.