An owner who’s required to build our assets in conjunction with the development is reimbursed an amount towards the cost of the works by us.
Reimbursement is not made for:
the upsized portion or additional length of works attributable solely to servicing the subject development
temporary works
works which are required to meet the owner's personal requirements.
Basis for determining of the reimbursement amount
In general, reimbursements apply to land owners who construct our drainage works. The drainage works reimbursement rate schedule is used to determine the applicable reimbursement, where the contract price is not more than $20,000.
For larger contracts, we'll determine the reimbursement amount from tender prices.
Drainage works reimbursement rates schedule
The following rates are our current drainage works reimbursement rates, based on an industry-supported review of supply, delivery and construction costs for drainage projects. Earthworks rates vary with differences in the geology of the underlying soil, and therefore three geological regions have been identified, with differing reimbursement rates applied where appropriate.
The rates in the schedule are also used to estimate the construction costs of works when determining contribution rates for development services schemes.
Please note:
Please note these rates exclude GST.
Pipeline rates are determined by the size of the pipe required to meet our requirements, along with the type of joint system and the backfill requirements. We require flush jointed (or interlocking) pipes with 20% fine crushed rock (FCR) back fill. Some municipal councils have more stringent requirements.
Reimbursements for pipeline sizes larger than those shown will be based on actual project tender prices.
The values shown are primarily intended for use in projects in greenfield areas. It may be necessary to base reimbursement determination on actual tender prices for projects in other areas.
Use the maps below to find which reimbursement region applies to your development:
Tender reimbursements
This reimbursement information applies to contracts greater than $20,000.
Reimbursements for tenders 1.8.2
Development Services Scheme pipelines
Pipelines not in a Scheme
Wetlands not within retarding basins
Wetlands within retarding basins
Standalone retarding basins
Provisional and contingency items
Site environmental management (provisional)
Engineering and council supervision
Non-competitive tenders
Table of reimbursable items in tenders
Timing for reimbursement payments
We reimburse for works after the issue of a Certificate of Practical Completion and a Certificate of Completion as per the schedule below:
Pipes and concrete structures (hard engineered assets)
Works less than $20,000:
- 100% of reimbursement to be paid after the issue of the Certification of Completion
Works between $20,000 and $40,000:
- 100%t reimbursement amount less $2,000 to be paid after the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion with the remaining payment made after the issue of the Certificate of Completion
Works between $40,000 and $100,000:
- 100% reimbursement amount less $5,000 to be paid after the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion with the remaining payment made after the issue of the Certificate of Completion
Works greater than $100,000:
- 100% of reimbursement amount less 5% to be paid after the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion with the remaining payment made after the issue of the Certificate of Completion.
Works between $20,000 and $40,000:
- 100% reimbursement amount less $4,000 to be paid after the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion with the remaining payment made after the issue of the Certificate of Completion.
Works between $40,000 and $100,000:
- 100% reimbursement amount less $10,000 to be paid after the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion with the remaining payment made after the issue of the Certificate of Completion
Works greater than $100,000:
- 100% of reimbursement amount less 10% to be paid after the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion with the remaining payment made after the issue of the Certificate of Completion.
Landscaping and planting works
100% of reimbursement amount less 50% to be paid after the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion. We may consider a progress payment during the defects liability period of up to 25% of the reimbursement amount upon application by the developer with the remaining payment made after the issue of the Certificate of Completion.
Works ahead of time
In some instances the owner may require drainage works to be constructed ahead of time in order to provide the development with an adequate outfall as opposed to temporary works. On these occasions, the reimbursement may be determined using a cost benefit analysis to ensure that we're not financially disadvantaged. Details of these arrangements will be provided in the offer of conditions for the particular project.
Temporary works
All temporary works, including temporary inlet and outlet structures, downstream cleanout works and upstream transition or diversion works must be paid for by the owner, without reimbursement by us.
Progress reimbursements
For larger projects, we may consider making progress reimbursements to ease the capital outlay of the developer. In such instances, progress payments will generally be a minimum of $200,000 with at least 10% of the value of work being held in retention. Although copies of the contractor's paid progress claims provide helpful evidence of the value of completed works, our reimbursement to the developer may not necessarily coincide exactly with the timing or value of these payments.
Optional and discretionary works
The functional design information provided by us will identify the works considered necessary by us to provide an efficient drainage system addressing relevant health and safety, environmental protection, drainage and waterway issues. These works will form the basis for any reimbursement. Any additional discretionary works required by the owner must be paid for by the owner without any reimbursement by us.
Such works include:
additional length or size of works
filling and/or grading of roads, reserves or lots
Our preference is thorough investigative works and design analysis is undertaken during the design phase to eliminate the subsequent requirement for variations during construction. Unless tender variations and the associated costs are approved by us in writing prior to construction, it's not guaranteed we'll meet additional costs.
Commencement of works
Works shouldn't commence until we've provided written advice as to the approved reimbursement amount.
Recipient created tax invoice
Should the owner wish to offset the reimbursement amount against contributions, the owner must agree for GST purposes not to issue a tax invoice but instead agree to us preparing a Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI).
We're authorised to prepare RCTIs under ATO ruling GSTR 2000/10 in order to comply with tax requirements where transactions include non cash components.
Engineering fees
Engineering fees associated with the design of drainage works that qualify for reimbursement will be reimbursed as a percentage of the total cost of work, in accordance with our engineering fee scale.
A calculator is available to determine the engineering fee:
Engineering fees represent the following tasks:
Survey (for the scope of works as prescribed in the Works Offer)
Prepare briefs, and coordinate specialist consultants (e.g. structural, geotechnical and Aboriginal cultural assessments; CCTV contractors)
Coordination meetings between authorities and stakeholders
Negotiating access for infrastructure works
Design (concept design, functional design, detailed design)
Plan preparation
Calling separate tenders for our works, analysing and administering separate contract
Contract management
Project management
Site inspections / surveillance / audits
Core design and project management services within the civil and landscape disciplines
QA certifications
Establishment and monitoring of Environmental Management plans
Administering projects for longer periods due to extended maintenance periods
Preparing maintenance agreements
Asset recording and preparation of As-constructed drawings and digital information
Quality testing and inspections prior to handover (The cost of CCTV inspection of all drainage lines to be undertaken by the contractor, to the satisfaction of Council and Melbourne Water, will be reimbursed separately based on the competitive tender price.)
Financial management
Engineering fees for the planting phase of the project may be calculated separate to the civil works but will still be based on our engineering fee scale.
Works where construction is less than $20,000
Flat fee of 25% (such as max = $5,000)
Works where construction is greater than $20,000
As per our engineering fee scale.
For projects greater than $1,000,000, the fee may be negotiated or based on the scale if this mutually acceptable.
For projects less than $1,000,000 a fee can be negotiated if it can be demonstrated the project is more complex.