Contributions are paid as development occurs, and properties contribute on the basis of the development area and development type.
Self-assess your likely contributions
Locate your development:
- find your development site on our scheme maps
Calculate your contributions:
- if you're inside a scheme use the scheme contribution table
- if you're outside a scheme use the stormwater quality offsets rates table
If your development is on the border of a scheme or municipality, your contributions would be apportioned accordingly.
Enter the development area, the development type, and the percentage of best practice your development achieves for on-site water quality treatment. On-site water quality treatment can be used to obtain a water quality contribution reduction.
Development types are available in our Contributions policy.
Some schemes have no quoted water quality rate, as it's expected water quality works will be done on-site. Contact us if this isn't feasible.
Contributions in detail
Our Contributions policy contains more detailed information on contributions, covering topics such as:
how contribution rates are derived and applied
definitions of development types and their associated contribution ratios
when contribution exemptions may be applicable
Contact us
If you need any help to complete this task, contact us: