Design of works

If you’re constructing works required by us, your design needs to be certified before you can start work. Allow for iterations of review and feedback before you submit your designs for final acceptance.

Once you have a certified design, you can put the work to tender. The certified detailed design should include all the information needed for the contractor to build the works.

Prior to this step

You will have already accepted our Offer of Conditions, so you have an agreement with us to provide drainage services for the development. The next step is to obtain design certification.

To achieve the best outcome here, you will have submitted your flood and water quality models for review at the planning stage. If these models are not compliant, your detailed design acceptance might be delayed.

What you need to do

You must submit your detailed design to Development Works Services to receive final certification of your design.

Your design should include all necessary detail, such as:

  • maintenance requirements

  • construction materials

  • instructions for the placement of reinforcement in concrete structures

  • size and placement of rocks

  • survey and level information, including appropriate flood level information

  • authority contacts

Need help with your design drawings

We have a library of different drawings, including concept drawings, that are a good starting point.

Standard drawings

Consider including wetlands, sediment ponds and bio-retention systems

Water quality can be managed at both a regional scale and at a local scale. Comprehensive analysis of water treatment systems suggests that cost savings can be achieved by treating stormwater at source, often referred to as Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD).

In addition to cost savings, 'at source' treatment can provide unique landscape settings and improve the understanding of the stormwater water cycle for local residents.

Consider integrating treatment measures into the development to reduce costs and create unique amenity values.

For more information on WSUD design and treatment see:

Ensure your design is compliant

For more information about the standards and specifications relating to the design of your asset:

We’ll review your initial design and provide feedback. We’ll also be available to answer any questions about your design.

Make sure the information you submit contains all the necessary detail, such as computations, HEC RAS, RORB, MUSIC model outputs (if applicable) and any technical or design reports that substantiate the proposal.

Rework and resubmit as needed

Development Works Services, Development Services will review your designs and provide feedback. We’ll be available to answer any questions about your design.

Give yourself plenty of time to achieve final acceptance of your design. Our Design of works page provides key lead times in the design process:

Design of works 3.1

Finalise the design

Submit a Design Certification Statement once agreement is reached.

Keep a record of your Design Certification Statement and any plans you submit.

Avoid calling for tenders or arranging for construction of soft engineering projects until the design is accepted.

Thinking ahead

Begin to develop the maintenance agreement check whether the asset will be maintained by us or the local council.

Development Works Services, Development Services will support your development of this plan.

​Contact us

call 131 722

contact us online


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