Are you flood ready?

In Melbourne, rain and storms are part of our way of life. Floods are a natural part of our landscape and an essential part of the water cycle.

But as we all know, floods can also have a devastating financial and psychological effect on our homes, businesses and our communities.

We are in the decade that matters, and we’ve recently experienced the effects of flood first-hand. We need to be more aware and prepared to protect the things and people we love most.

So, Melbourne, are you ready for the next flood? What do you know about floods? Which type of flood could impact you? Do you know how we, together with other organisations, are managing flooding? And how can you better prepare for floods?

Watch our videos and build your awareness and preparedness so you can be best placed to face the next flood, whenever that occurs.

What are floods?

Floods are a natural part of our landscape and an essential part of the water cycle.

Despite technological advances, the impacts of climate change and continuing urban development means that it is highly likely that we will see more parts of Melbourne flood in the future. As a result, flooding that we would typically only see on rare occasions, is becoming more frequent and more severe.

Watch this video to understand more about flooding and how it can impact on our way of life in Melbourne. The more you understand, the better prepared you will be.

What are the different types of floods?

Flooding can be caused by many different rainfall scenarios and can have a significant impact on our environment, wildlife and property, as well as directly impacting our daily lives when they do occur.

It’s important to know what kind of potential flooding may occur in the area you live, work and play. The more you know, the more prepared you will be.

Watch this video to learn more about the different types of flood.

How do we manage flood?

Melbourne Water manages all parts of the water cycle that are essential to our way of life today, tomorrow and for generations to come.

We have infrastructure and systems in place across the whole city. We also help to keep our homes and businesses safe from flooding by planning for the impacts of significant weather events and how this may impact the stormwater that then flows into on our iconic rivers, creeks and our bays.

Watch this video to learn what we're doing, in partnership with other organisations, to help keep your communities safe.

What’s the latest in flooding?

Melbourne’s drainage network began construction back in the late 1800’s, and since then, we've come a long way!

Continuous improvements have been necessary to help reduce flood risks as low as possible and to reduce the impact that flooding has on our way of life.

Watch this video to learn more about what we’re doing to help reduce the impact of floods.

How can you prepare for floods?

Floods in Melbourne cost an estimated $735 million a year and can have wide-ranging and long-term consequences.

From dealing with damage to homes to the loss of personal possessions, the impact of flooding can be significant.

A well-prepared community can help to reduce these impacts by up to 80%.

As a community, the more aware and prepared we are for floods, the more we will be able to reduce the potential impact should a significant flood occur.

Watch this video to learn more about how you can be better prepared for potential floods.

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