Waterbugs and waterways
Year F-2
This series of colourful activity sheets cover a range of indoor and outdoor tasks to keep students entertained, while helping them to get to know the unique species that live in their local waterways.
Learning outcomes
- Explain what happens when people change natural places - waterways, and how they can be cared for
- Understand that different living things live in different places, for example, land and water
- Explore the different features of waterway species
Activity 1: Wonderful Waterbugs
Go on a waterbug hunt and get students to draw what they find.
Activity 2: Waterway treasure hunt
Use all your senses to undertake a waterway treasure hunt.
Activity 3: Water hero
Join the lines to match the ways you can help protect our rivers and creeks from pollution.
Victorian Curriculum v2.0
Science: VC2S2U01, VC2S2U02
Geography: VC2HG2K05