Platypus and frogs activities
Year F-2
This activity sheet will keep students entertained, while helping them to get to know the unique species that live in their local waterways – platypus and frogs.
Learning outcomes
- Explain what happens when people change natural places - waterways, and how they can be cared for
- Understand that different living things live in different places, for example, land and water
- Explore the different features of waterway species
Activity 1: Puzzling platypus
Help the platypus find food.
Activity 2: Growling Grass Frog
Learn more about the endangered Growling Grass Frog. Write down what they like to eat and where they like to live. Add this information to your worksheet.
Activity 3: Frog lifecycle
Discover the lifecycle of frogs, and write a brief description of what happens at each stage and add to your worksheet.
Victorian Curriculum v2.0
- Science: VC2S2U01, VC2S2U02
- Geography: VC2HG2K05