Frogs and platypus colouring sheets
Year F-2
Download and print out these colouring sheets, a great rainy-day activity. Whether they're for school holidays or a spot of art therapy, they showcase the diverse habitats and inhabitants of our local waterways.
Learning outcomes
- Explain what happens when people change natural places - waterways, and how they can be cared for
- Understand that different living things live in different places, for example, land and water
- Explore the different features of waterway species
Things to think about
- What special features does a platypus have?
- What special features do frogs have?
- Why are types of waterbugs do you think platypus prefer to eat?
- What types of waterways do you think platypus like?
- What types of waterways do you think frogs like?
- How can you protect their waterway homes?
Victorian Curriculum v2.0
Science: VC2S2U01, VC2S2U02
Geography: VC2HG2K05