
The following guidelines can be used to help with your proposed development.

General guidelines

General guidelines

Guidelines for Development in Flood Affected Areas 
Note: From 1 January 2023, the department became known as the Department of Transport and Planning following machinery of government changes.

Planning for sea level rise guidelines


Works guidelines

Works guidelines


Construction guidelines

Construction guidelines


Waterway design manual

Waterway design manual

Download specific sections:


Wetland design manual

Wetland design manual


Biofiltration system guidelines


WSUD guidelines

WSUD guidelines

Read more about the new WSUD audit guidelines and toolkit on the MUSIC Auditor website.


Melbourne Water’s MUSIC guidelines 2024 

Melbourne Water has released an updated version of the MUSIC (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation) Modelling guideline.  

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on modelling approaches and input parameters for MUSIC models that are submitted to Melbourne Water. 

The update was developed by peer review, scientific research, and stakeholder engagement across Melbourne’s stormwater industry. It addresses industry feedback, information gaps, and incorporates recent advancements in both science and industry.  

Notable changes include: 

  • revised rainfall data. New templates better represent rainfall patterns, including the creation of an additional template band.
  • clearer guidance on sediment ponds. This will minimise the risk of designing inappropriate treatment systems.
  • new guidance on high flow bypasses, overflows, wetlands with multiple inlets.
  • Clarifying Melbourne Water’s position that proprietary stormwater treatment devices may not replace nature-based systems in Development Services Schemes. 

The new guideline, rainfall templates, and associated maps are available below.

Please note, after June 30, 2024 Melbourne Water will not accept models developed using the 2018 templates or guidance. Clearwater and Stormwater Victoria will hosting an information session covering the new guideline and changes.

MUSIC guidelines 2024

Tool guidelines 2024





Healthy Waterways Strategy stormwater targets guidance

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