Tidal Waterways

The Tidal Waterways are a series of canals and harbours connected to the Patterson River, and in turn, Port Phillip Bay. They are separated from the river via flood protection gates, provide public drainage as well as recreational opportunities for the public boating community.

The Patterson Lakes Waterways Management Plan (2.07 MB, PDF) outlines management responsibilities:

  • Kingston City Council are responsible for land management, including beach maintenance services 
  • Melbourne Water manages the tidal gates, jetties and related drainage infrastructure.  

Tidal gates

Large, mechanical tidal gates protect the area’s 1,400 residents, their properties and local roads from flooding. There are four sets of gates: two at Whalers Cove, one at Runaway Bay and one at Town Centre.

As the responsible drainage authority, Melbourne Water has the right to close the gates any time at our sole discretion – view predicted gate closures.

Jetty leasing and maintenance

Melbourne Water leases and maintains jetties in the Tidal Waterways – excluding Runaway Bay, Inner Harbour and Pier One. Annual inspections and repairs are performed between March and June.

Mooring leases

Electrical safety audit

As part of our commitment to safety, we are undertaking an audit of electrical certificates for electrical installations on jetties and pontoons that we own.

Jetty lessees will receive a letter in their mail box. If you have an electrical connection on your jetty or pontoon, please email a copy of your electrical safety certificate to [email protected] by Friday 7 March 2025.

Every standard-sized residential property (and some units) in the Tidal Waterways has been allocated a mooring at one of the area’s jetty complexes.

To use your mooring, you must have a current mooring lease agreement with Melbourne Water, which details the size, location and conditions of your mooring. Lessees must also comply with the requirements and procedures contained in the Jetty Guidelines:

Service and maintenance fees

All properties with a mooring allocation will be charged annual service and maintenance costs (per mooring), according to the type of jetty. The charges apply to all Melbourne Water Tidal Waterways jetties that have been replaced, and cover the demolition of the old jetty, construction of a new jetty and ongoing maintenance. 

The jetty service charge does not pay for the:

  • variable upfront cost of upgrading from a timber to concrete jetty, paid by the resident, or future jetty replacements
  • public jetty, which is not part of the jetty replacement program
  • dredging of moorings. 

Melbourne Water will not be dredging moorings, as the community overwhelmingly voted against a proposed Melbourne Water dredging program in a 2013 community ballot. For information on dredging your own moorings, see Appendix F of the Patterson Lakes Jetty Guidelines (3.03 MB, PDF).

Prices from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025

The following charges are applied and itemised on your water bill from South East Water, starting 1 July 2022.

Charge Cost per annum
Properties with access to timber jetty $1,433.00
Properties with access to concrete jetty $948.00
Jetty annual maintenance $159.73

Note: the above charges do not apply to private licensed jetties.

Paying the charges

To make it more affordable, your annual jetty charges will be spread over your quarterly water bills from South East Water for the duration of the payback period: 15 to 25 years.

Residents cannot opt out of the program. Jetty pricing (approved by the Essential Services Commission) is based on costs being shared by the whole mooring community, which residents have bought into.

Quality jetties also support the aesthetics of the area, adding substantial value to properties with mooring allocations.

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