Vineyards turn green into gold: Suburban green waste improves yield and helps wine grapes thrive, trial shows
A recent Melbourne Water trial at Macedon Ranges vineyards has shown that composted recycled green waste collected from suburban green bins can create healthier vines and higher grape yields when used as mulch.

Melbourne Water wins Earth Award for bioenergy project
The Melbourne Water and John Holland-KBR Joint Venture has won an Earth Award for an innovative biogas handling system that supports the conversion of sewerage treatment gases into electricity, providing around 30% of the energy needed for Melbourne's Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP).
Wallan Bowls Club boosts Melbourne Water's rain mapping with real-time data from onsite rain gauge
An enhanced digital rain gauge installed at a lawn bowls club in Wallan will add another important data point to Melbourne Water’s network of 200 rain gauges, providing real-time data to map rain patterns.

Litter data provides sobering insights on origins of waterway litter in Port Phillip and Glen Eira
Melbourne Water in partnership with Glen Eira and Port Philip Councils have shared data about the primary sources of litter in local waterways as part of the Elster Creek Litter Action Plan (ECLAP).

Hundreds discover the science behind sewage at Western Treatment Plant Open Day
More than 350 people attended the open day of Australia’s largest wastewater treatment plant on Sunday 18 August to learn about the science behind sewage.

Explainer: How safe is the Yarra River for swimming?
The risk to athletes on the River Seine in Paris during the Olympic Games highlighted some of the issues associated with using urban waterways for recreation.
The Yarra River in Melbourne faces many of the same issues as the Seine, such as pollution from rubbish, grease, oil, and other contaminants that enter our stormwater drainage system.

New underground water pipeline provides TAFE students with hands-on learning experience
Future tradies learned about the installation of a new underground water pipeline when Melbourne Water invited a group of Swinburne TAFE students to visit the Kilsyth to Croydon Water Main Renewal project.

Ecologist’s love of insects grew from her childhood in Darwin and Tiwi Islands
Kinjia Munkara-Murray is a 27-year-old aquatic ecologist and proud Tiwi and Rambarrnga woman who developed a passion for science after growing up exploring the lush tropical environment of Garramilla (Darwin).

Threatened platypus prompt huge turnout to save habitat
With support from Melbourne Water’s Waterwatch Platypus Program and Nillumbik Shire Council volunteer group Friends of the Eltham Platypus is continuing to improve the health of our waterways for the benefit of this Australian icon.

Accidentally Reservoir: how a suburb got its name
One of Melbourne Water's great treasures lent its name to the suburb of Reservoir and features in local history podcast Storytowns created for Metro Trains Melbourne.