Event details
In partnership with the Royal Society of Victoria, Monash Science and Innovation Hub and the Friends of Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve you are invited to participate in the National Waterbug Blitz!
The National Waterbug Blitz is Australia’s first nationwide, citizen science, waterway monitoring event. Over the month of October Australians are encouraged to discover how healthy their local waterways and wetlands are, simply by exploring and identifying what waterbugs live in them.
Attend this free talk to learn more about the Waterbug Blitz and how macroinvertebrates (or ‘waterbugs’) can be used as an indicator of waterway health. You can also sign up on the day to attend a follow up Waterbug Blitz sampling day on Wednesday 3 October 2018. This will be hosted by Melbourne Water Waterwatch and the Friends of Scotchman’s Creek and Valley Reserve at Scotchmans Creek.
For further details and to register, please go to the National Waterbug Blitz - Monash Science and Innovation Hub Eventbrite page.