Waverley Road Retarding Basin Spillway Upgrade

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Melbourne’s rivers and waterways are essential to our way of life. 

The Waverley Road Retarding Basin minimises the risk of flooding to surrounding community and properties. Over recent years, the concrete spillway of the Retarding Basin has significantly degraded.

That’s why we’re upgrading the Waverley Road Retarding Basin to ensure the spillway is able to operate safely and efficiently today, tomorrow and for generations to come.

What next

Once Melbourne Water has a clearer understanding of construction timelines we’ll be in touch with the local community and residents via letter drops and door knocks with more information.

Works will involve:

  • Demolishing and removing parts of the exisiting concrete structure
  • Installing anchors into bedrock to stablise the spillway structure
  • Constructing new concrete crest, chute and sidewalls.

What to expect

While Melbourne Water makes every effort to minimise impacts to the community, during works you may notice:

  • Traffic flow increased traffic movements along Scammell Close with a temporary access track constructed from Scammel Close to the spillway.
  • Temporary path diversions Temporary diversion of the pedestrian and bicycle track for the duration of works. Traffic management will be in place to safely guide the community around the area.
  • Dust and Noise There will be a short-term increase in noise, dust and vibration levels due to the machines and equipment being used. We will monitor noise and dust levels throughout works to ensure they don’t exceed Environmental Performance Agency thresholds.
  • Vegetation There may be some tree pruning to accommodate machinery. Tree protection fencing will be installed for the duration of works.

Melbourne Water understands the importance of trees to the community and will work with local groups and Council to ensure trees are protected throughout the works.

Contact us

We will communicate with residents throughout works about upcoming impacts via letters and door knocks. For more information about this project, please call 1800 960 977.

We will make every effort to minimise the impact of these works on the local community and the environment, and thank you for your patience.

Melbourne Water is committed to delivering world-class solutions with minimal impact on the community, on businesses and on the environment.

Call 1800 960 977

Email [email protected]

Last updated: