Bulk sewerage

​We charge Melbourne’s three metropolitan retail water businesses to remove, treat and dispose of the sewage and trade waste we collect from them.

Our bulk sewerage customers are:

  • Greater Western Water (formerly City West Water)
  • South East Water
  • Yarra Valley Water

Bulk sewerage charges comprise three components:

  • fixed monthly availability price
  • variable price relating to treatment and transfer
  • variable load price relating to the cost of treatment of each contaminant for safe disposal
  Western system​ Eastern system​
Volume treatment ($/million litres) 70.58 46.31
Volume transfer($/million litres) 47.19 6.74
Bulk sewerage load charges
BOD ($/tonne)​ 386.86 291.88
SS ($/tonne)​ 633.73 675.80
TKN ($/tonne)​ 1,317.79 82.72
ITDS ($/tonne)​



Greater Western Water
(formerly City West Water)

South East​ Water Yarra Valley Water
Availability price ($/month)​




These prices were reviewed through a public process, where the Essential Services Commission:

  • completed extensive analysis of Melbourne Water’s 2021 Price Submission, which sets out the expected costs to deliver planned capital works programs, service standards and forecast volumes for each prescribed service

  • reviewed capital expenditure, operating expenditure and forecast demand

  • consulted with stakeholders, including a review of submissions made by interested parties.

The 2021 Water Price Review covers a five-year regulatory period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026. The prices set through the review reflect the efficient cost of providing waste water services.

Last updated: