Coranderrk Aqueduct virtual tour
View 360-degree panoramas of the historic Coranderrk Aqueduct, from Badgers Creek Weir to Silvan Reservoir, and hear first-hand from one of its caretakers.
View 360-degree panoramas of the historic Coranderrk Aqueduct, from Badgers Creek Weir to Silvan Reservoir, and hear first-hand from one of its caretakers.
Take in 360-degree panoramas of the historic Maroondah Reservoir, including the scenic garden and picturesque valve houses at the base of the dam.
Melbourne Water is undertaking water main upgrade works in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. These upgrade works will ensure that additional water can be transferred between Silvan and Greenvale reservoirs to accommodate for the area’s future growth and ensure the community continues to be provided with a reliable and secure water supply.
We cut grass across 4155 hectares of land that we own, through our annual scheduled maintenance program.
Melbourne Water is building new infrastructure to meet growing demand for water Melbourne’s northern and western suburbs.
We gather research data at Boag Rocks, on the Mornington Peninsula, where Class A recycled water is discharged from the Eastern Treatment Plant.
Our corporate plan guides our objectives, actions and targets over the mid- to long-term.
Melbourne Water is undertaking platypus surveys across Greater Melbourne this spring breeding season as part of a three-decade-long monitoring program. Its most comprehensive mapping effort to date involves testing water samples for platypus DNA to determine where the elusive animal is present.