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Create a water cycle rap

Year F-2
Water cycle

Engage young learnings with the power of song and bring the water cycle to the main stage! This creative activity will deepen students’ understanding of how water moves around the Earth. 

Let Josh guide you through the natural water stages and play special attention to his water cycle rap.

Split your class into groups and assign them a water cycle stage. Task them with creating their own song, rap, or dance to explain their stage in the water cycle. You can tie all the stages of the water cycle together by getting the students to perform their stages in order!

Suggested song topics to include:

  • Change of water state
  • Importance of water (environment, life, human needs)
  • Locations where the water cycle stages occur

Learning outcomes 

  • Describe the observable weather of a place and seasonal changes using the water cycle 
  • Know that water is a valuable resource and describe how it is used at school and in the home 
  • Know that water is an important resource, and we need to conserve it 
  • Describe how our water supply supports people's lives 

Victorian Curriculum v2.0 

  • Science: VC2S2U02, VC2HG4K09 
  • Geography: VC2HG2K01, VC2HG2K05 



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Related Resources

Water cycle illustration showing water movement
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Water cycle
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