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Super Sewage and water cycle exploration

Year 3-4
Lesson plan
Water cycle

These lessons can be used to compliment the Western Treatment Plant and the water cycle excursion. The lessons outline key content and concepts that will enhance your student’s learning experience. Students will learn about the water cycle and what happens to their wastewater when it goes down the drain.

There are different resources for you to use pre-visit and post-visit. The lessons get students to explore the theme: sewage is not waste, but an important resource that can be re-used in many ways.  

Learn more about the Western Treatment Plant and the water cycle excursion.

Cartoon poos gather around the words 'Super Sewage', with a pipe and ocean in the background

Learning outcomes

  • Explain how water can be a liquid, solid or gas using the natural water cycle
  • Understand the different uses of water and that wastewater can be recycled
  • Identify where tap water comes from and know what happens when it goes down the drain
  • Identify the importance of water to sustaining the lives of people

Classroom and teacher resources  


To help your students prepare for their visit and get the most out of it, you can get them to complete the following activities. 

  1. Watch: The Story of Water: The water cycle 
  2. Complete the water cycle worksheet, see downloads 
  3. Get students to draw a ‘Know’, ‘Find out’, ‘Learnt’ table and get them to complete the ‘Know’, ‘Find out’ columns
Know Find out Learnt

During your visit

Write down your observations when you tour the site – See, Smell and Hear.  


Task 1: Conclusion and reflection 

  1. Reinforce learning & reflection and watch The Story of Water: Wastewater treatment.
  2. Get students to complete the ‘Learnt’ column of their ‘Know’, ‘Find out’, ‘Learnt’ table.
  3. Students write a short reflection on what they learnt at the Western Treatment Plant.

Task 2: Make a Pipe Promise

  1. Print out the pipe promise 
  2. Think about one or two things you can do to keep our pipes flowing and write it down 
  3. Join up all the pipes and put them up in your classroom 

Victorian Curriculum 2.0 

Science: VC2S4U04, VC2S4U07  

Geography: VC2HG4K01, VC2HG4S05, VC2HG4K09  



Related Resources

Western Treatment Plant two channels and You Yangs
Western Treatment Plant & the water cycle
Water cycle
Water cycle illustration showing water movement
Episode: The water cycle
Water cycle
Sewage treatment plant illustration
Episode: Wastewater treatment
Water cycle