Volunteers working at a community planting day in Eltham.

Help the platypus of Diamond Creek!

  • 10:00am - 12:00pm
  • Edendale Community Environment Farm
    32 Gastons Road
    Eltham VIC 3095

  • Free (lunch provided)
08/18/2024 10:00am 08/18/2024 12:00pm Australia/Melbourne Help the platypus of Diamond Creek! Edendale Community Environment Farm 32 Gastons Road Eltham 3095 VIC Melbourne Water [email protected]

Event details

Volunteer planting day at Eltham
Volunteers at a community planting day.

Friends of Edendale, along with the community, have been rehabilitating this wildlife corridor/bio link since 2022 with the support of Melbourne Water’s Planting4Platypus initiative. This exciting project continues this revegetation work, focusing on the vital importance of the Diamond Creek as a wildlife corridor/bio link.

Funding from the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Urban Rivers and Catchments Program’ has been committed to the Friends of Edendale and Edendale Farm for the continued revegetation of the Diamond Creek near Edendale.

The goal is to:

  • restore the indigenous riparian vegetation community
  • expand revegetation work to the steeper banks of the Diamond Creek
  • re-build habitat for the platypus.


Drop-ins on the day are welcome, but booking is encouraged. This helps us plan the day and contact you with additional information as required. Children must always be accompanied by adults.


Email your question to [email protected].

Special requirements

Come prepared!

  • Long pants 
  • Closed toed footwear 
  • Long sleeved shirt 
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen  

Meet at the Edendale Community Environment Farm entrance car park (look for the big blue Friends of Edendale banner).

There is additional parking at the Eltham North Adventure Playground. Walk across the bridge and along the tail to the front of Edendale.