
Please Note: Due to a technical issue the water storage levels for today are not available. We are working to address the issue and apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Desalination data

The Victorian Desalination Plant is integral to securing Melbourne’s water supply – building a buffer in our water storages to support a growing population. Get an overview of how much desalinated water has been added to our water storages daily.

How much desalinated water is supplied?

Victorian Desalination Plant
Desalinated water flowing into Cardinia Reservoir, where it enters Melbourne’s water supply network.

The Victorian Desalination Plant can deliver up to 150 billion litres of high-quality drinking water a year. That’s one-third of Melbourne’s needs, or around 60,000 Olympic swimming pools.

On 1 April 2023, the Minister for Water announced announced that no water would be required to be delivered from the desalination plant during 2023-24.  The desalination plant will remain in long term preservation until the next water order is placed.

The desalination plant has delivered 455 GL since it was turned on in 2016-17 and 23.9 GL during commissioning in 2012.