On Friday 14 October 2022, significant flooding occurred within the urban catchment of the Maribyrnong River. In response, an independent review led by Former federal Court Justice Tony Pagone was established to investigate the flood’s causes and contributors, including an assessment of the impact of the Flemington racecourse flood wall. The review has now concluded.

See also Maribyrnong River Flood Model.

Flemington Racecourse wall

In early May we released the Independent Panel’s final review of the impact of the Flemington racecourse floodwall on the October 2022 flood event. We’re now releasing a further assessment of the projected impact of the Flemington racecourse floodwall in the new 2024 and 2100 flood scenarios.

The report finds that under the 2024 scenario – which maps a flood event with a one per cent chance of occurring in any given year – the average impact in the Maribyrnong township is 3.8cms of extra depth in a flood that is 130 centimetres deep.

The analysis finds that in Kensington Banks there is no added depth because of the wall – and in fact the wall has the effect of reducing the estimated flood depth by 5.1cms.

Note the 2024 flood event with a one per cent chance of occurring is more significant than the Maribyrnong River flood of 2022.

The report finds in the 2100 scenario there is little or no impact from the flood wall on Maribyrnong township or Kensington Banks as water overtops the flood wall.

You can find the report here at the Maribyrnong River Flood Review page at Let's Talk.

Independent Panel's final report released

The final report of the Independent Panel was released in May 2024. This marked the conclusion of the independent review.

To find out more about the Independent Review Panel and access all reports provided by the Independent Panel, go to the Maribyrnong River Flood Model Let’s Talk page.

We will take the insights from the review to better inform future decisions and help the community better prepare for any future event. Our focus now turns to long term sustainable flood mitigation solutions for the catchment as well as the comprehensive community awareness and preparedness program we are working in partnership with Councils and VICSES to deliver. 

With regard to the Panel’s findings on the racecourse flood wall, we will now incorporate an examination of the flood wall mitigation into our broader investigation of potential mitigation options across the catchment. To find out more about the mitigation study and register your interest, go to our Let’s Talk page.

Six-month progress update on implementation of the Panel’s recommendations

In April 2024 we released a summary of our progress towards implementation of the Independent Panel’s 15 recommendations. The six-month progress report can be found on the Maribyrnong River Flood Review Let’s Talk page here.

New Maribyrnong River Flood Model is now available 

In April, Melbourne Water completed a new flood model for the Maribyrnong River to help the community and agencies better understand flood risk across the catchment.

This new model includes both 2024 and projected 2100 flood scenarios. Information about the model, maps showing flood extents and depths, as well as a report on how the model was developed, are now available.

For more information on the new Maribyrnong River flood modelling, go to the Let’s Talk page.

Community flood education program

In partnership with VICSES and councils, we are running a flood education program to help people understand their flood risk and the actions they can take before, during and after a flood event to stay safe. Come along to an event near you and learn how to be flood ready. Find out more by visiting the Melbourne Water Prepare for flooding page

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