We won! Melbourne officially has Australia’s best tasting tap water
Melbourne Water is proud to have taken out top honours at the Ixom Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia competition.
The prestigious prize was awarded to a sample from our Cresswell Water Treatment Plant at the Water Industry Operators Association of Australia’s hotly contested competition in Casino, New South Wales.
The judges sip water samples in scenes similar to a wine tasting competition, assessing the best colour, clarity, odour and taste.
Melbourne Water Managing Director Nerina Di Lorenzo has raised a glass of water in celebration and said she is thrilled with the result.
“The Cresswell plant produces drinking water for the Healesville area and is a wonderful example of the world-class water Melbourne Water produces right throughout Melbourne,” Dr Di Lorenzo said.
“It was a tough competition. I congratulate our team, along with the other finalists.
“We are very excited about the next step, which is representing Australia on the world stage at the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition in the USA in February.”
While Melbourne Water manages the water supply catchments, major water storages and operates the treatment plant, Yarra Valley Water distributes the award-winning water to the Healesville community. Managing Director Pat McCafferty said we are delighted we’re providing the best tasting water in Australia to our customers.
“To be recognised at a national level is a huge achievement and demonstrates the excellent quality of Melbourne’s water,” Mr McCafferty said.
“We’d also like to acknowledge everyone in the water industry who’s dedicated to providing safe drinking water for their communities.”
Image credit: George Wall
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