Applications for planning permits to develop a site may be sent to Melbourne Water because we are the relevant Referral Authority.​

Application Planning Permits referred to Melbourne Water

Applications for planning permits to develop a site may be sent to Melbourne Water because we are the relevant Referral Authority.

A Responsible Authority (e.g. Councils) refer Section 52 and Section 55 applications to us when required by the planning scheme when the land is subject to flooding or if the proposed development is near Melbourne Water's land or assets.

Understanding determining and recommending authorities

In the planning application process, referral authorities like Melbourne Water can have different roles:

  • Determining Authority: As a determining authority, Melbourne Water has the power to require specific conditions be included in a planning permit or can direct the council to refuse a permit if necessary. The council must comply with these requirements.
  • Recommending Authority: As a recommending authority, Melbourne Water provides advice and suggestions regarding the planning application. While it is highly recommended that our advice and suggestions be implemented, the council is not obligated to follow our recommendations and will make a decision, balancing the various requirements of the planning process.

Application process

Minimum requirements for assessment

When making a referral to a Referral Authority, the Responsible Authority (e.g. Council) is required to provide the prescribed information as per the Planning and Environment Regulations 2015.

Information we receive from the responsible authority will include:

  • Application form: A copy of the application referred to us by the responsible authority in the prescribed form. We would like to see the relevant reference numbers, and any previous Melbourne Water reference numbers (as applicable) to help us locate your project and understand how the application might interact with other projects
  • Address of the development
  • Application preamble
  • Key site and proposal features
  • Application reference number: The reference number provided by the Responsible Authority created when the application was lodged
  • Application receipt date: The date the responsible authority received the application to inform us of the statutory timeframes
  • Description of why a permit is required: The permit triggers identified by the Responsible Authority. Not just the ones applicable to the referral.
  • Reason for referral: A list of the clauses in the planning scheme that require the application to be referred to that referral authority
  • Kind of referral: a copy of the applicable description in the planning scheme of the kind of application required to be referred to that referral authority
  • Referral authority role: Indicate whether Melbourne Water is a Determining or Recommending referral authority or whether the application is a non-statutory referral (advice only)
  • Application type: The type of application, (e.g., Planning Permit Application, Section 72 Amendment, plans to comply with a permit condition)
  • Referral date: The date referred to Melbourne Water to inform us of the statutory timeframes
  • Contact details: Contact details of the relevant officer within the responsible authority (e.g. council) if we need to get in touch about your application
  • Certificate of Title: Include a copy of any listed caveat, covenant, encumbrance or agreement (such as a Section 173 Agreement)

Please refer to Planning and Environment Regulations 2015 - Regulation 19 for details of prescribed information requirements.

Additional information requirements:

In addition, further detail will assist Melbourne Water with assessing an application. Some or all of the additional may be required depending on the proposal and site context. 

Site plan and Elevation Plans submitted with your proposal should detail:

  • Finished floor levels (FFL): submitted to Australian Height Datum (AHD), including existing and proposed levels as applicable. Accurate data helps assess flood risk and ensure the proposed development complies with flood protection standards and other requirements. 
  • Natural ground level: shown to AHD to assess potential changes to the site hydrology and drainage.
  • Setbacks to boundaries (existing and proposed): Site and elevation plans should show measurements of all permanent and temporary structures in relation to the property/site boundaries. As well as helping Melbourne Water understand potential effects on flooding conditions, these details also ensure that the development does not encroach on any protected or sensitive areas.
  • Area of proposed works: In your submission include the area of proposed works (in sqm), including any structures proposed to be demolished or partially demolished. Knowing the extent of works helps in assessing the overall impact on the site and surrounding environment as well as flooding conditions.
  • The layout, size and use of buildings and works (existing and proposed): A detailed layout helps us understand the full scope of the development. Please include vehicle parking areas, basements with details all openings (if proposed), fencing and or landscaping associated with the development within the layout plan, noting any cut or fill proposed on the site.
  • Details of fencing and/or landscaping: Including site and elevation details of fencing and/or landscaping, including any proposed cut/fill associated with the proposed development as applicable will help us understand drainage patterns and how the surface water will flow.
  • Flood risk assessment: If relevant and required as part of the proposal
  • Any other application requirements specified in a Schedule to the applicable planning scheme zone or overlay.

Dependant on the site conditions and the nature of the development, please also include:

  • Earthworks including cut and fill: Any proposed earthworks such as cut and fill
  • Details of basements: Basements can affect groundwater levels and flood risk, and supplying this information is important for our review. Please include elevation and cross sectional details of any basement entry ramps and all other basement openings (including vents and windows) to AHD, showing finished floor levels of entry/exit areas, windows and drainage details
  • Any existing and proposed openings located below the nominated flood level: identifying any openings below flood level helps us identify if any required flood protection mechanisms are in place where relevant
  • Melbourne Water assets and waterway setbacks: Plans must denote any Melbourne Water assets (including drains, water mains, sewers and waterways) in the vicinity of your development. Please indicate setback measurements of permanent and temporary structures from those assets. It must be demonstrated that the development will not interfere with the existing assets

All applications must be submitted online via our website and ensure they are prepared in conjunction with the relevant section of the Developer Minimum Application Requirements Guideline (478.38 KB, PDF).


The process takes 28 calendar days to assess an application and respond.
Incomplete applications may be returned requesting further information or objected to if Melbourne Water determines it is unable to support the proposal.


There are no fees for this service.

Guidelines and standards

Contact us

If you need any help to complete this application, contact us on 131 722.



Last updated: