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Episode: Water, weather and climate

Year F-2
Year 3-4
Year 5-6
Water cycle
Water supply

The amount of water in our environment is influenced by the type of climate. Across Australia, there are six broad climate zones. Climate is the average weather conditions of a place for a long period of time, while weather is the atmospheric conditions (hot day, rain, cool conditions) for a brief period of time. 

The climate in Australia, like the rest of the world is changing due to global warming; our climate has always changed but it is happening much faster than ever before. This change is causing more extreme weather like floods and droughts. 

Climate change also impacts the amount of water we have available to us. There is only a set amount of water on Earth, and this precious resource needs to be protected. 

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Learning outcomes

Year F-2
  • Describe the observable weather of a place and seasonal changes using the water cycle 
  • Know that water is a valuable resource and describe how it is used at school and in the home 
  • Know that water can be recycled and describe ways to reduce use and save more water 
  • Know that water is an important resource and we need to conserve it 
  • Describe how our water supply supports people's lives
Year 3&4
  • Explain how water can be a liquid, solid or gas using the natural water cycle 
  • Understand the different sources and uses of water and that wastewater can be recycled 
  • Identify where tap water comes from and know what happens when it goes down the drain 
  • Identify the importance of water to sustaining the lives of people
Year 5&6
  • Understand the connection between weather and climate and the water cycle 
  • Explain how water behaves in different ways (liquid, solid or gas) using the natural water cycle 
  • Understand that water scarcity is a major threat to the sustainability of people places 
  • Understand how water resources are used and how they are managed 

Things to think about 

  1. What climate zone do you live in and how does it affect your weather where you live? 
  2. Floods are a natural occurrence in Australia but how does this impact an urban environment? Both positive and negative impacts.   
  3. List the types of floods and droughts in Australia 
  4. The link between the water cycle and climate change 


Activity 1 

Create a picture diary of the different weather and seasons of where you live. Your diary should include annotations explaining and showing how the weather changes throughout a year. 

Activity 2 

Using a map of Australia, mark and label where you live. Write down the climate zone. Then, go to the Bureau of Meteorology website and: 

  1. Find the average monthly temperature and rainfall data for your school/ home. 
  2. Select a location/ place from a different climate zone and collect its annual temperature and rainfall data.
  3. Write a brief description describing any differences and similarities in rainfall and temperature. You can add pictures to your description. 

Activity 3 

There’s only a set amount of water on Earth. Investigate the different sources of water, how it can be used and ways we can look after water. Then write a short report. 

Victorian Curriculum v2.0 

Year: F-2 

  • Science: VC2HG4K07 
  • Geography: VC2HG2K06, VC2HG2K05  

Year 3&4 

  • Science: VC2S4U04, VC2S4U07, VC2S4U08 
  • Geography: VC2HG4K01, VC2HG4K03, VC2HG4K09 

Year: 5&6 

  • Science: VC2S6U06, VC2S6U03 
  • Geography: VC2HG6K01, VC2HG6K03 

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