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Virtual Tour: The Western Treatment Plant

Year 3-4
Year 7-8
Systems Engineering
Environmental Science
Outdoor & Environmental Studies
Water cycle
Water supply
Saving water

Go behind the scenes at the Western Treatment Plant. Learn about the key processes of the natural and urban water cycle, water management and how sewage becomes a valuable and reusable resource. Discover how to manage water sustainably.

Group size 10 – 70 participants per booking 
Pricing on application
Duration 60 - 90 minutes

Get in touch to make a booking

Tours and learning experiences

Participants will be able to ask questions, interact with our educators and learn about the key stages of the sewage treatment process, the world-renowned wetlands and the biodiversity and heritage values of the site.

Aerial view of Western Treatment Plant ponds using the virtual tour.
Year 3&4: Natural and urban water cycle


Find out about the key processes of the natural and urban water cycle when virtually exploring the Western Treatment Plant. 

Learning outcomes 

  • Explain how water can be a liquid, solid or gas using the natural water cycle 
  • Identify where tap water comes from and know what happens when it goes down the drain 
  • Understand the different uses of water and that wastewater can be recycled 
  • Identify the importance of water to sustaining the lives of people  

Student activities 

  • Explore the sewage treatment virtually 
  • See the process of sewage treatment 
  • Discuss how they are part of the water cycle 

Victorian Curriculum v2.0 

Science: VC2S4U04, VC2S4U07, VC2S4U08 

Geography: VC2HG4K01, VC2HG4K03, VC2HG4K09

Year 7&8: Water in World


Learn about water security and management when virtually exploring the Western Treatment Plant. Discover how sewage becomes a valuable and reusable resource. 

Learning outcomes 

  • Describe how water is a renewable natural resource that is finite 
  • Explain how people make use of water and altered the natural water cycle 
  • Explain the different methods to overcoming water scarcity, by reducing demand and increasing the supply of water 
  • Know that the liveability of Melbourne depends on a safe and secure supply of water and treatment of wastewater 
  • Understand that Melbourne's water resources will be impacted by climate change 

Student activities 

  • Explore the sewage treatment virtually 
  • See the process of sewage treatment, from when sewage enters the plant to its treatment and reuse or release 
  • Discuss how they are part of the natural and urban water cycle 

Victorian Curriculum v2.0

Geography: VC2HG8K01, VC2HG8K03, VC2HG8K04, VC2HG8K06 

Science: VC2S8U09 

VCE: Biodiversity and Management


Explore the Western Treatment Plant and Ramsar listed wetlands virtually. Learn about water management and how sewage becomes a reusable resource. 

Learning outcomes 

  • Describe how demand for water is increasing pressure on this natural resource and that the supply of useable water is influenced by both seasonal and long-term climatic variations  
  • Explain why water is a scarce resource and identify different water management & technological options to ensure water security 
  • Explain how water conservation and water engineering activities can lead to more sustainable outcomes 

Student activities 

  • Explore the sewage treatment virtually 
  • See the process of sewage treatment, from when sewage enters the plant to its treatment and reuse or release 
  • Learn about the Ramsar listed wetlands and the flora and fauna of the site 

VCE Subjects

  • Environment Science
  • Outdoor and Environmental Studies
  • Systems Engineering
  • Geography

Prepare for your virtual tour

Before your session, read the following information.

  • Student supervision and discipline are the school’s responsibility, and teachers accompanying school groups should actively supervise students.
  • We reserve the right to cancel a booked tour and ask individuals or groups to leave the virtual tour immediately if any action or behaviour is unsafe.
  • We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, and providing a child-safe environment in line with our Child safe standards policy. All our Education Officers and Water Literacy Officers have the relevant legal requirements (Working With Children Check or Victorian Institute of Teaching registration).


Related Resources

WTP water moving between ponds
Virtual tour: an investigation into recycled water
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Water supply
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Water cycle