Government and industry have partnered to transform a once-bleak stretch of Upper Stony Creek into a new open space for Sunshine North residents to enjoy.

Why this is important

The enhanced site has created a natural space with improved amenity and environmental values, featuring a wetlands area and native plantings along the creek channel. A network of paths and tracks will also better connect the area, encouraging use of the space for passive recreation and relaxation.

Works will begin shortly to install a stormwater harvesting and reuse irrigation system as a result of an additional $500,000 contribution from the Victorian Government in 2020. This will help secure vital sustainable water supplies and provide high-quality public open space for the Sunshine community.

Revised concept design of creek revegetation between Furlong and Gilmour roads (select image to enlarge).

Project background

The Upper Stony Creek Transformation Project was established in 2016 with the original aim of naturalising 1.2 kilometres of concrete channel. Following the discovery of asbestos in 2018 and subsequent work to clean the site, the scope was revised to retain the concrete channel – while leaving the creek in a better state than before.

Project partners providing funding and support include:

  • Melbourne Water
  • Brimbank City Council
  • City West Water
  • Greenfleet Australia
  • Development Victoria
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Additional support has been provided by the Commonwealth Government’s National Stronger Regions Fund.

What’s happening and when?


July 2018 – July 2019: Site remediation

After significant deposits of asbestos were found on site, remediation became the project priority. The entire wetland site and southern 400 metres of concrete channel were remediated for asbestos.

Works were then suspended to investigate further funding opportunities to realise the original vision to transform the area.


November 2019 – June 2020: Construction

Works resumed to complete the wetland, including planting and shared paths, as the site area had been remediated of asbestos.

Plans began to remediate the northern 800 metres of concrete channel (Furlong Road end), installing a mesh barrier topped with clean soil to ‘cap’ the asbestos below ground.


June – December 2020: Planting and landscaping

The wetland area was planted, and netting installed to allow vegetation to establish.

The northern channel was planted with indigenous trees and shrubs to improve natural habitat and amenity.


Stormwater harvesting scheme

Works are underway to prepare for a stormwater harvesting and reuse irrigation system as a result of additional funding provided by the Victorian Government.

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