Melbourne Water upgraded the sewer maintenance hole near the corner of Cullen Street and Hudsons Road, Spotswood. Works included upgrading fittings and the drop pipe inside the maintenance hole.

About the Project 

Melbourne Water upgraded the internal fittings and drop pipe of a sewer maintenance hole located on the corner of Cullen Street and Hudsons Road, Spotswood. The drop pipe, located inside the maintenance hole plays an important role in transferring sewage from Spotswood onto Melbourne Water's Western Treatment Plant. These works ensure that the sewer maintenance hole and drop pipe continue to operate safely for generations to come. 

Project Overview 

Works involved:

  • Removing the old drop pipe, ladder and landing pad inside the maintenance hole
  • Cleaning the internal surfaces of the maintenance hole
  • Relining areas of the maintenance hole 
  • Installing new drop pipe, ladders and landing pad


The project started on 9 January 2024 and was completed by the end of May 2024.

Thank you

We thank residents and motorists for their patience as we carried out these necessary works. 

Contact us

For more information please call the project team on 131 722 or email [email protected]


Project planning - early 2023


Project Start

Works in April 2023 delayed due to safety concerns (for workers inside maintenance hole)


Works re-started

Works started in early January 2024


Works complete

Works completed end May 2024

Last updated: