North Heatherton Wetland Upgrade Project

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In Melbourne, rivers and creeks are essential to our way of life. That's why we are committed to enhancing life and liveability in your local area and are upgrading the North Heatherton Wetland. 

Map of Wetland Project Site


A constructed wetland is a series of shallow, densely planted, man made ponds that help to filter stormwater. Wetlands act as the ecological kidneys, filtering out pollutants that wash into our stormwater from roads, concrete, parks and gardens. 

This project will important the habitat, ecology and amenity of the North Heatherton Wetland for the community to enjoy now and for generations to come. 

Why is this work necessary?

The North Heatherton Wetland is currently not meeting its storm water treatment quality standards and requires an upgrade to function more effectively. The project will:

  • Reduce stormwater pollution and enhancing the natural filtration process. 
  • Adjust wetland water levels to create a healthy environment for plants and birdlife to thrive. 

What do the works involve?

  • Removing some vegetation from within the wetland to carry out the works and to enable safe entry and exit from the works area. 
  • Draining a section of the wetland to facilitate renewal.
  • Upgrading the wetland inlets and outlets which will allow for better water flow management. 
  • Using heavy machinery to reshape a section of the wetland. 
  • Removal and stockpiling of wetland sediment for disposal. 

What to expect.

We will make every effort to minimise the impact of these essential works on the local community and the environment, however during construction you may notice:

Construction vehicle traffic: There will be an increase in large vehicle movement in the local area as material and equipment are delivered for the works. 

Dandenong Creek Trail detours: For the safety of everyone, some sections of walking paths around the wetland will be closed during the works. During these works, pedestrians and bike riders will be detours on a temporary shared user path. 

Noise, dust and vibration: During construction, noise is expected from trucks and machinery. we will reduce these impacts as much as practicable. 

Vegetation: Some vegetation will need to be remoced for our workers to access the wetland. 

Working hours: Crews will be works Monday to Friday, 7:00am to 6:00pm. 



Not Started

Late October to Early November 2024

Early works and site mobilisation will commence on site. 

Not Started

November 2024 to September 2025

Stage 1 - Reshaping the bed of the wetland will commence in later 2024 and will take approximately 10 months to complete.

Not Started

Early to Mid 2026

Stage 2 - Revegetating the wetland. over 64,000 wetland plants are expected to be planted by late 2026. 

Keep up to date. 

We are committed to keeping the community updated as the project progresses. As updates become available, we will communicate with residents and businesses about the works through door knocks, letters, phone calls and site signage. 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the project team:

Phone: 1800 931 978

Email: [email protected] 

Last updated: