Sediment basins
Sediment basins are ponds with open water that capture coarse sediment and litter carried by stormwater.
Sediment basins are ponds with open water that capture coarse sediment and litter carried by stormwater.
Melbourne Water is upgrading the Hobsons Bay Main Sewer to ensure the continued reliability of Melbourne's sewage network.
Swales are linear, depressed channels that collect and transfer stormwater.
Stormwater harvesting involves collecting, treating, storing and using stormwater runoff from urban areas.
Apply for a stormwater harvesting licence to connect to a stormwater drain, watercourse or open channel, or harvest stormwater from a waterway managed by Melbourne Water.
Early planning is important to ensuring a successful WSUD project.
The concept design stage involves selecting the type, location and approximate size of stormwater treatments.
The functional design stage contains the next level of detail following the approved concept design.
The detailed design is based on the approved concept and functional designs, and involves documenting the design and functional elements with detailed design drawings and specifications.
Plants species used in raingardens, wetlands and swales must be perennial with an extensive fibrous root system.