Safety and maintenance
Additional factors which should be considered during the preparation of the design include:
Additional factors which should be considered during the preparation of the design include:
'As constructed' information for underground pipelines can be difficult to obtain due to the nature of Works involved
Loss coefficient for pits and junctions
All plans for drainage works must be available in CAD, PDF and hard-copy formats at a scale drawn relevant to an A1 size plot of the drawing. The drawing must contain borders and title blocks that comply with our requirements.
Examples of notes which may be required on the drainage design plans.
Summary of changes to LDM Section 6.0 Construction Specifications, Nov 2009 6.2.1
These standards have been developed by Statewide River & Stream Management as part of the training notes for our Site Environmental Awareness Training (SEAT) for contractors
Overview of key principles, including reducing the extent of disturbance, drainage management techniques, stabilisation measures, stockpile management and dust prevention.
Perimeter structures are designed to capture and retain sediment. These structures on the down slope side of an area prone to erosion can inhibit sediment from leaving the area.