3D modelling monitoring receiving water quality
Case study: A 3D hydrodynamic model of the treated wastewater discharge environment at Boags Rocks is helping assess impacts on the near-shore environment and associated aquatic ecosystems.
Case study: A 3D hydrodynamic model of the treated wastewater discharge environment at Boags Rocks is helping assess impacts on the near-shore environment and associated aquatic ecosystems.
Schemes comprise of a catchment-based drainage strategy outlining the functional designs of the relevant infrastructure required to service urban growth. There's a pricing arrangement detailing how we'll recoup the infrastructure costs through financial contributions paid by developers.
Download your drainage scheme.
Case study: We are trialling structures that can mitigate debris flows into our water supply catchments after bushfires.
Case study: we've used photogrammetry to develop a safer way to inspect floating covers over the lagoons at the Western Treatment Plant.
Contributions are the costs we recover from developers to fund drainage scheme works and stormwater offsets.
Case study: our Western Port environment research program continues to provide value – both to Melbourne Water and the Victorian government more broadly.
Contributions are paid as development occurs, and properties contribute on the basis of the development area and development type.
Case study: DNA meta barcoding is streamlining processing of samples from aquatic macroinvertebrate surveys, improving data quality and cost.
A stormwater offset is a financial contribution paid by residential developers to us for stormwater management works to be undertaken in another location.