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The Future Water Story Experience

Year 7-8
Year 9-10
Environmental Science
Outdoor & Environmental Studies
Water cycle
Water supply
Saving water

Investigate the importance of water to life, and how we will need to make our cities future-ready and sustainable; while exploring the Western Treatment Plant and participating in a technology-filled learning experience.  

The Future Water Story includes two activities:

  • Circular Cities Digital Challenge - working in teams, students collaborate to complete problem-solving activities and make decisions to create a sustainable city. They will see their city come to life on a huge circular, recessed, 3m LED screen!
  • Systems and Innovation tour - exploring the Western Treatment Plant by bus, students will learn about sewage treatment and observe the different land uses of the site

The Future Water Story inexperience is suitable for Year 7&8, Year 9&10 and VCE students.

For more information: The Future Water Story | Melbourne Water

Book now

Group size 30 students max. per class (two classes max. per session)
Pricing $360 per group
Duration Up to 4 hours

Learning resources

Teacher Guides have been created for you to use in your classroom to compliment the Future Water Experience at the Western Treatment Plant. The lesson plans outline key content and concepts that will enhance your student’s learning experience. There are different resources for you to use pre-visit, during your visit and post-visit. The lessons get students to explore and investigate themes that are curriculum-aligned.

Year 7&8 - Future Water Story: water sustainability investigation

Year 9&10 - Future Water Story: water management investigation

Learning outcomes

Year 7&8

Learning outcomes

  • Explain the different methods to overcome water scarcity, by both reducing demand and increasing supply through alternate water sources
  • Know that water is a scarce resource, and it needs to be managed to ensure water security
  • Know that Melbourne’s liveability depends on a safe and secure supply of water as well as treating wastewater Understand that Melbourne's water security will be impacted by climate change
  • Understand that Melbourne's water security will be impacted by climate change.

Student activities

  • Work in teams and collaborate to complete problem-solving activities 
  • Collectively synthesise and analyse information from multiple sources and consider the implications and consequences of their decision-making 
  • Analyse data and maps to develop explanations and make conclusions 
  • Explore the plant by bus and undertake observations of activities at the site  Complete an analysis of the location and landscape of the site 

Victorian Curriculum v2.0

  • Geography: VC2HG8K01, VC2HG8K02, VC2HG8K03, VC2HG8K04, VC2HG8K05, VC2HG8K06, VC2HG8S02, VC2HG8S03, VC2HG8S04, VC2HG8S06
  • Science: VC2S8U09, VC2S8H02, VC2S8H03
  • Critical and Creative Thinking: VC2CC8Q02, VC2CC8R01, VC2CC8R02, C2CC8R04, VC2CC8M03
  • Personal and Social Capability: VC2CP8O01, VC2CP8O04, VC2CP8O05
  • Ethical Capability: VC2CE8U02, VC2CE8D01
Year 9&10

Learning outcomes

  • Know that water is a scarce resource, and it needs to be managed to ensure water security
  • Understand how people’s environmental worldviews impact their decision making
  • Know that a safe and secure supply of water and sanitation are key measures of human wellbeing 
  • Describe how climate change will impact water security in Melbourne.

Student activities

  • Work in teams and collaborate to complete problem-solving activities 
  • Collectively synthesise and analyse information from multiple sources and consider the implications and consequences of their decision-making 
  • Analyse data and maps to develop explanations and make conclusions 
  • Explore the plant by bus and undertake observations of activities at the site  Complete an analysis of the location and landscape of the site 

Victorian Curriculum v2.0

  • Geography: VC2HG10K10, VC2HG10K11, VC2HG10K13, C2HG10K14, VC2HG10K15, VC2HG10K16, VC2HG10S02, VC2HG10S03, VC2HG10S04, VC2HG10S05, VC2HG10S06, VC2HG10S07
  • History: VC2HH10K11, VC2HH10K36, VC2HH10S05
  • Science: VC2S10H02, VC2S10H03, VC2S10H04, VC2S10U11
  • Civics and Citizenship: VC2HC10K09, VC2HC10K10, VC2HC10S02
  • Economic and Business: VC2HE10S03, VC2HE10S04, C2HE10S05
  • Critical and Creative Thinking: VC2CC10Q02, VC2CC10R01, VC2CC10R02, VC2CC10R03, VC2CC10R04, VC2CC10M02
  • Personal and Social Capability: VC2CP10O01, VC2CP10O04, VC2CP10O05
  • Ethical Capability: VC2CE10U02, VC2CE10D01, VC2CE10D02 
  • Intercultural capability: VC2CI10D02

The Future Water Story experience is a unique learning experience for students studying Environmental Science, Outdoor and Environmental Education or Systems Engineering.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn about sustainable development in practice
  • Find out about different stakeholders and their perspectives in making management decisions
  • Examine how climate change is impacting water security and and how plans today can impact the future
  • Explore the competing uses and demands of the site - sewage treatment and wetland management.

Student activities

  • Work in teams and collaborate to complete problem-solving activities 
  • Collectively synthesise and analyse information from multiple sources and consider the implications and consequences of their decision-making 
  • Analyse data and maps to develop explanations and make conclusions 
  • Explore the plant by bus and undertake observations of activities at the site  Complete an analysis of the location and landscape of the site 

Prepare for your visit

Before your visit, read the following information and complete our venue and safety form before you arrive.

All tours will be cancelled on days very poor or hazardous air quality and/ or total fire ban days.


We are committed to the safety of all visitors to our sites. When visiting our tour sites, we ask that you strictly follow these safety rules at all times: 

  • wear long pants/trousers 
  • wear long sleeved tops
  • wear closed-toe, flat-soled shoes – sandals and thongs are not permitted on site 
  • stay with your tour guide at all times 
  • while on tour do not climb on or over railings 
  • do not touch any machinery or equipment 
  • do not run. 

The Western Treatment Plant treats sewage, which contains many micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses and parasites. When visiting the plant: 

  • avoid contact with sewage and sewage-related products wash your hands before leaving the plant or eating 
  • do not eat or drink during the tour 
  • wash any contaminated clothing separately to your normal washing 
  • cover any open wounds, and report any minor cuts or abrasions that occur while onsite to Melbourne Water 
  • wear appropriate clothing for all weather conditions as activities are conducted outdoors. 

Student supervision and discipline is the school’s responsibility, and teachers and adults accompanying school groups should actively supervise students at all times. 

We reserve the right to cancel a booked tour and ask individuals or groups to leave the site immediately if any action or behaviour is unsafe. 

Venue and safety form

Download and return a signed copy of the form when you arrive for your tour

Child safe standards

We’re committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, and providing a child-safe environment in line with our Child Safe Policy (52.21 KB, DOCX). All our Education Officers and Interpretation Officers have the relevant legal requirements (Working With Children Check or Victorian Institute of Teaching registration).

How to get there

The address for the Western Treatment Plant is 1 William Thwaites Dr, Cocoroc VIC 3030

View our location on Google maps 

By car or bus

​Travel outbound 30 km on the Westgate freeway/M1 towards Geelong, take the second C109 exit off to Werribee after you have passed the Werribee Open Range Zoo and Werribee River. Once you exit turn left and enter at the William Thwaite's​ Drive gate. Follow the signs to drive to the Education and Cultural Precinct.

Related Resources

Western Treatment Plan pipes
Future Water Story: water sustainability investigation
Lesson plan
Water cycle
Western Treatment Plant drains and channels
Future Water Story: Water management investigation
Lesson plan
Water supply
Interactive map background
World of Water: Melbourne's Water Future
Lesson plan
Water supply