Episode: The water cycle
The water cycle, or the hydrologic cycle, describes the continuous movement of water around the Earth.
Learn about the key processes of the water cycle evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, infiltration and run-off. Find out how this cycle has been altered by building dams and reservoirs that store water, that is then piped into taps to supply water to people.
Water is a finite resource and find out what you can do to protect this resource so there is enough water for everyone.
Learning outcomes
- Year F-2
- Describe the observable weather of a place and seasonal changes using the water cycle
- Know that water is a valuable resource and describe how it is used at school and in the home
- Know that water is an important resource and we need to conserve it
- Describe how our water supply supports people's lives
- Year 3&4
- Explain how water can be a liquid, solid or gas using the natural water cycle
- Understand the different sources and uses of water and that wastewater can be recycled
- Identify where tap water comes from and know what happens when it goes down the drain
- Identify the importance of water to sustaining the lives of people
- Year 5&6
- Understand the connection between weather and climate and the water cycle
- Explain how water behaves in different ways (liquid, solid or gas) using the natural water cycle
- Understand that water scarcity is a major threat to the sustainability of people places
- Understand how water resources are used and how they are managed
Things to think about
- Have you ever wondered where your water comes from?
- What might you have in common with dinosaurs?
- List the things you can do to use less water.
Activity 1
Draw a mind map showing how you use water in your everyday life. Think about if there was less water accessible to you. How would this change your water use? Add this to your mind map.
Activity 2
Monitor the water levels in your local dam/s. Write down how much water the dam can store and how much is being stored. If there is more than one dam, write down each dam’s details.
Activity 3
Watch the Water, weather and climate video and then create a poster, a song, slideshow or performance to encourage the school community to conserve and use less water.
Victorian Curriculum v2.0
Year: F-2
- Science: VC2S2U02, VC2HG4K09
- Geography: VC2HG2K01, VC2HG2K05
Year 3&4
- Science: VC2S4U04, VC2S4U07
- Geography: VC2HG4K01, VC2HG4K03, VC2HG4K09
Year 5&6
- Science: VC2S6U06, VC2S6U03
- Geography: VC2HG6K01, VC2HG6K03