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World of Water: Melbourne's Water Future

Year 7-8
Lesson plan
Water supply
Saving water

Dive into the future of Melbourne’s water from your classroom! In this interactive-digital challenge, students team up to uncover real evidence of climate change’s impact on our water supply.

Map background image

Using the World of Water interactive map and resources from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), students will use data to investigate, debate and brainstorm solutions to one of the biggest challenges our world’s cities are currently facing. The session wraps up with a discussion on how individuals, schools and communities can take action! What will your students decide? 

Learning outcomes 

  • Know that water is a scarce resource, and it needs to be managed to ensure water security 

  • Explain the different methods to overcome water scarcity, by both reducing demand and increasing supply through alternate water sources 

  • Know that Melbourne’s liveability depends on a safe and secure supply of water as well as treating wastewater 

  • Understand that Melbourne's water security will be impacted by climate change. 

Curriculum outcomes 

Geography: Water in the world (year 7/8) 

  •  Locate and collect useful data, information and evidence from a range of primary and secondary sources. 

  • Interpret and analyse data to propose simple explanations for distributions, patterns, trends and relationships, and evaluate and synthesise evidence to draw conclusions. 

  • Students reflect on their learning to propose individual and collective action in response to an issue or challenge, taking account of different factors and multiple perspectives, and predict the probable effects of their proposal. They present ideas, findings, viewpoints, explanations and conclusions in a range of communication forms that incorporate source materials, citations, discipline-specific terms, conventions and concepts. 

Science: Investigating environmental impacts of climate change. 

Sustainability: Exploring human actions to manage climate change challenges. 

Victorian Curriculum v2.0

Geography: VC2HG8K01, VC2HG8K02, VC2HG8K03, VC2HG8K04, VC2HG8K05,
VC2HG8K06, VC2HG8S02, VC2HG8S03, VC2HG8S04, VC2HG8S06
VC2S8U09, VC2S8H02, VC2S8H03




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