Virtual tour: an investigation into recycled water
Year 7-8
Lesson plan
Water supply
Conduct an investigation into recycled water and its reuse. Explore the impacts of the Millennium drought and alternate water stories, while using the Western Treatment Plant Virtual Tour.
In this series of lessons, students use an inquiry approach to
- Explore how the Western Treatment Plant processes sewage
- Investigate how this water could be used to mitigate the impacts of population growth and climate change.
In Melbourne, demand for water is growing due to population growth and climate change. Melbourne will need to find additional water sources to secure our supply, including recycled water. At the end of the unit, students will design a campaign about recycled water.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe how water is a renewable natural resource that is finite
- Identify the different factors that contribute to water variability and the impacts of water scarcity
- Explain the different methods to overcoming water scarcity, by reducing demand and increasing the supply of water
- Understand that Melbourne's water resources will be impacted by climate change
- Know that the liveability of Melbourne depends on a safe and secure supply of water and treatment of wastewater
Lesson 1: Introduction | Begin by examining sources from a past drought; the Millennium drought. Students analyse data about Victoria’s predicted climate and population growth, and complete a SEEP table and consider the potential impacts of water shortages. |
Lesson 2: The Western Treatment Plant | Introduce the inquiry question; ‘How can the Western Treatment Plant help Melbourne to thrive and adapt to an uncertain future? Using the WTP Virtual Tour, students find the information they need to respond to the inquiry question. In groups, students design a survey for friends and family to find out what they know and feel about recycled water. |
Lesson 3: Case study: Toowoomba | Explore the controversies surrounding recycled water by considering the dilemma facing Toowoomba in 2006. They evaluate the use of referendums and research the use of recycled water from around the world at a selected location. |
Lesson 4: Socratic Seminar | Make connections between topics and articulate their conclusions during the Socratic Seminar. |
Lesson 5: Make Conclusions + Reflect | Use the conclusions developed during the Socratic Seminar; and students apply their understanding to the inquiry question by designing a social media campaign that encourages Melbournians to embrace the potential of the Western Treatment Plant and recycled water. |
Victorian Curriculum v2.0
- Geography: VC2HG8K01, VC2HG8K02, VC2HG8K03, VC2HG8K04, VC2HG8K05, VC2HG8K06, VC2HG8S01, VC2HG8S02, VC2HG8S03, VC2HG8S04, VC2HG8S05, VC2HG8S06, VC2HG8S07
- Science: VC2S8U09, VC2S8H02, VC2S8H03
- Critical and Creative Thinking: VC2CC8Q02, VC2CC8R01, VC2CC8R02, VC2CC8R04, VC2CC8M03
- Personal and Social Capability: VC2CP8O01, VC2CP8O04, VC2CP8O05
- Ethical Capability: VC2CE8U02, VC2CE8D01