Line illustration of platypus comprised of litter items

Healesville Sanctuary: waterbug lab

  • 10:00am - 3:00pm
  • Healesville Sanctuary
    Glen Eadie Avenue
    Healesville VIC 3777

  • Free (included in Healesville Sanctuary ticket)
01/10/2023 10:00am 01/16/2023 3:00pm Australia/Melbourne Healesville Sanctuary: waterbug lab Healesville Sanctuary Glen Eadie Avenue Healesville 3777 VIC Melbourne Water [email protected]

Event details

Come meet our waterbug experts at Healesville Sanctuary, 10am–3pm daily from Tuesday 10 to Monday 16 January, 2023. Discover the fascinating world of macroinvertebrates at our improvised outdoor waterbug lab, and find out why these little creatures are so important to our waterways.

Together, let’s make litter extinct!

In Melbourne, rivers and creeks are essential to our way of life. But as rain falls and flows through the landscape, it picks up litter and pollution on our streets and runs into Melbourne’s waterways. Those rivers and creeks that are home to the endangered platypus and many other animals, including tiny but important macroinvertebrates (waterbugs)!

Not only are waterbugs the platypus’ main source of food, they also let us know how clean and healthy our waterways are. That’s why at Melbourne Water, they keep track of waterbugs in our rivers and creeks to monitor waterway health. And you can too!

Because the health of our waterways and land is essential to our native wildlife, Melbourne Water partners with Zoos Victoria to help #MakeLitterExtinct and keep all 25,000km of Melbourne’s rivers, creeks and catchments healthy, today, tomorrow and for generations to come.

Learn more about waterbug monitoring.