Freedom of Information

Victoria’s Freedom of Information Act 1982 gives the public a right to apply for access to documents in Melbourne Water's possession unless exempt. Apply online using our easy online application and payment process.

Before you apply

Before you apply, we suggest you:

You may:

  1. request access to documents dated since 1978 of a non-personal nature about work Melbourne Water has done, is doing or plans to do, and our policies, decisions and actions
  2. request access to documents about your personal affairs and if necessary have them amended.

Some documents are exempt from release, for example if they:

  • contain trade secrets
  • may affect legal proceedings
  • affect personal privacy.

How long will your request take

We must make and communicate to you a decision on your request within 30 days unless extended in accordance with the Act. 

The period starts when

  • your request is viewed as sufficiently clear for us to process


  • your application fee has been paid or evidence has been provided to waive the fee

and where relevant

  • we receive your deposit payment.

Fees and charges

When you apply you must pay the $32.70 application fee (from 1 July 2024). Our online application form shows the payment methods we accept.  

Access charges (for searching, making copies of and preparing documents) may apply to your request. We apply these charges in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2014.

If we estimate charges will be more than $50.00, we will advise you of our estimated charges and request a deposit before we process the request.

If the charges are less than $50.00, we will let you know the payable charges when we send you our decision.

Ready to apply?

Make your freedom of information request online now:

Apply online 

Contact us 

 [email protected]

 131 722 

 Freedom of Information Officer
Melbourne Water
PO Box 4342
Melbourne Vic 3001

Last updated: