Construction, works and connections

Fees apply for planting, installing, demolishing or building over (or near) any of our underground assets or easements. You must have Melbourne Water’s approval before you start work.

These fees were determined following the Essential Services Commission's public 2021 water price review process, which covers the five-year regulatory period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026. Prices for building over Melbourne Water assets and stormwater connection fees will increase annually by CPI only.

Fees charged will separate the administration cost and inspection fee:

  • Upfront application fees must be paid before approval is provided
  • Inspection fees must be paid before a notification of works is issued. Each job will require three inspections: pre-commencement, practical and final; any additional inspections may incur additional inspection fees.
Works type​

​Initial application fee ($)

Includes one connection

Inspection fee ($)​

To be determined upon decision letter response; includes 3 sub-inspections

​Additional connections/ works/ build over ($)

Includes application and inspection fee

Additional inspection ($)

To be determined upon decision letter response and/or during Inspection phase

Connection – such as stormwater or sewer on our land  185.60 325.74 511.34  
Connection – such as stormwater or sewer not on our land​ ​185.60 325.74 511.34  
​Build over  251.04 325.74 ​576.78  

​Works/ activities affecting our drainage or sewerage assets or land – such as:

  • jetties
  • vehicular/ pedestrian crossings
  • access
  • utility installations
  • other authority works
  • road works, etc.
  185.60 325.74 511.34  

Works/ activities affecting our water supply assets or land – such as:

  • vehicular/ pedestrian crossings
  • access
  • utility installations
  • other authority works
  • road works, etc.



362.92 (includes 3 sub-inspections) or
160.77 (per hour)

Please note: Additional costs may apply upon approval, including inspection fees, land value and valuation costs and legal fees.

Security fee

A security fee applies to any works affecting our assets. To calculate the security amount:

  • At the time of application you can provide a cost estimate of the works affecting the asset; the security amount will be the sum of the cost estimate multiplied by two.
  • If a cost estimate is not supplied or not possible due to the timing of the application, we will use Table A below to determine the security amount for the works.
Table A: Breakdown of security scale structure dependent on cost of works
Cost of works ($)​ Security ($)​ ​Category type
​0 – 5,000 ​5,000 Example: Stormwater outlet connections <225mm, any other type of works
Minor waterway (banks of <1m)
​5,000 – 10,000 10,000​ Example: Culverts, stormwater, outlet connections >225mm, utility crossings, any other type of works
Medium waterway (banks 1-2m)​
> 10,000 ​ ​20,000 ​Example: Stormwater outlets, bridges, culverts, open cut excavations, any other type of works
Major waterway (>2m bank)

Please note: For works greater than $10,000 a greater security may be required in exceptional circumstances, based on the assumption of the type of works being undertaken. This is assessed on a case-by-case basis and requires two quotes. The security amount will be 100% of the quoted amount provided, and is refundable.

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