Melbourne Water is building a new pipeline to meet growing demand for water in the northern and western suburbs of Greater Melbourne and to support development in the planned growth area.

The new pipeline will improve the reliability of water supply in the northern suburbs and free up capacity to transfer more water to the western suburbs. The project involves construction of a 20km pipeline from the Yan Yean Water Treatment Plant to the Bald Hill, Kalkallo tank site. Construction commenced in early 2023, and will continue into 2024.

As the new pipeline is being constructed for necessary bulk transfer of water, no connections can be made to properties along the alignment. 

Why this project is important

Melbourne’s population is projected to increase from 4.6 million in 2016 to 6 million in 2031, and ultimately to 8 million people in 2051. Around 60% of this growth is expected to occur in Melbourne’s northern and western suburbs, with 851,000 new residents projected by 2031 (Victoria in Future 2016, Victorian Government).

The new pipeline has been designed and timed to meet growing water demands and improve reliability of supply in the northern suburbs, while freeing up capacity to transfer more water to the western suburbs.

Work is continuing on the upgrade of the Yan Yean Water Treatment Plant. The treatment plant was built more than two decades ago to support the supply of water to Melbourne's growing northern suburbs. Some operation improvements need to be made so it can continue to provide a reliable and secure water supply into the future.

Construction on the new pumping station at the treatment plant has commenced. The pump station will enable bulk water transfer from the treatment plant to the Bald Hill reservoir tanks via the new pipeline.

What’s happening and when


Small pipeline and tank

We are constructing a 1.5-kilometre water supply pipeline and have installed a large water tank on the top of Bald Hill, Kalkallo. This will be connected to a greater pipeline planned for the future.

Works involve excavation to establish a foundation for the new pipeline and tank. The tank is 10 metres tall and approximately 36 metres in diameter, and was delivered to the site in segments and installed by crane.


2023: Yan Yean to Bald Hill pipeline

As part of a related project in the area, we are also planning to build a new pipeline to improve the reliability of water supply in the northern suburbs and free up capacity to transfer more water to the western suburbs.

The project involves construction of a new 20-kilometre pipeline from the Yan Yean Water Treatment Plant to the Bald Hill, Kalkallo tank site, as shown on the following map. As the new pipeline will be constructed to transfer water, no connections will be made to properties along the alignment.

The pipeline has been split into two 10 kilometre sections (The Eastern and Western sections).

Construction on both sections of the pipeline is underway and progressing well.



2022: Yan Yean Pumping Station - Early Investigations

Early investigation works have been completed.


Early 2023 - Yan Yean Pumping Station - Commencement of construction

Early works and site establishment


Mid 2023-Mid 2024 - Yan Yean Pumping Station Construction

Construction of the Yan Yean Pumping Station is now complete.


Mid 2024 - Yan Yean Pumping Station activated

Construction and commissioning of the new pump station is complete, and the pump station has been activated and is now operational.

Not Started

Late 2024 - Yan Yean Pumping Station Site reinstatement

What to expect

We’re committed to minimising our impact on the community, businesses and the environment as we deliver world-class solutions.

As works continue at the treatment plant and as works commence on the Yan Yean to Bald Hill Pipeline, you may notice:

  • frequent truck activity in the area to transport materials and equipment
  • At times Recreation Road and the entrance to Yan Yean Reservoir will be closed. Traffic management will be in place and residents and park users will be informed before these scheduled works commence.
  • noise from machinery operating during work hours.

We will continue to have measures in place to manage dust and noise.

For further information regarding the project or to provide feedback please see the contact details below.

Traffic Impacts

Speed restrictions around work areas and on unsealed roads will remain in place, and traffic controllers will be present to assist during working hours where required.

Current works

Location Impact
Grants Road

Reinstatement works between Ninth Avenue and Merriang Road.

Preparation works for resurfacing will commence on Friday 12 July and continue for three days. This work involves road profiling and sub-base preparation in approximately 500 metre sections.

Resurfacing will commence on Wednesday 17 July and continue until complete. Asphalting will be completed in approximately 500 metre sections.

Grants Road will remain open during preparation and resurfacing works. During these works there will be brief traffic disruptions, increased heavy vehicle movements with the immediate road around the works area being reduced to a single lane. Traffic management staff will be on site to assist with motorists safely. 

Speed restriction of 40km/h will remain in place during these works and until line marking is complete. 

Merriang Road Speed restriction in place at corner of Merriang and Grants Road for entering/exiting trucks.


These works may be delayed if wet weather hinders asphalting works. We will continue without notice.

Map shows resurfacing works location between Ninth Avenue and Merriang Road

Further Information

Download our introductory project bulletin for an overview of all of our current and planned projects in Yan Yean:

Yan Yean Pipeline Community Bulletin - October 2023

Yan Yean Pipeline Community Bulletin - March 2023




Your feedback

Contact us with any comments or queries:

1800 673 151

[email protected]




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