Women in Engineering - Catherine Rees

Audio described version

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:19:06
I love strategic problem solving. My favourite thing about being an engineer is getting to solve some really tricky problems each day, and things that really matter. Things that have a tangible impact on the community. Hi I'm Catherine, I've been an engineer at Melbourne Water for 14 years. I have two young children, and I'm always looking to improve the environment for generations to come.

00:00:19:08 - 00:00:44:16
I work on a lot of projects that try to understand how processes operate at Melbourne Water, so particularly wastewater treatment processes. The Western Treatment Plant has large anaerobic lagoons as part of the initial treatment process. My project was to understand the biology and to then inform the business about how we best operate those and plan for their future upgrade. It will lead to greater process stability and a better environmental outcome.

00:00:44:22 - 00:01:07:00
It will also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by changing the way we upgrade our covers in the future. So this will also lead to cost savings to the business. One of my favorite things about being an engineer is working on really tricky problems and at Melbourne Water one of the nice things is I get to work with experts from all over the world in truly understanding and unpacking some of those problems, and I learn something new every single day.

00:01:07:02 - 00:01:15:23
Some advice for women who want to get into engineering, don't be put off by those gender gaps. Just go for it!