Farm Biodiversity - actions farmers can take to meet sustainability requirements


This ongoing project led by the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator is supporting farmers in the Port Phillip and Western Port region to document the biodiversity assets on your farm, take biodiversity action and increase your sustainability and eco-credentials.

A template has been developed to step then through how to do a stocktake of what natural assets already exist on your farm. Farmers cab create a custom farm biodiversity plan which can be incorporated into industry environmental assurance programs and sustainability targets. Eco-credentials are documented and form baseline information for monitoring and options to consider environmental markets and grant incentives. 

Why this project is important 

Fairy wren

Farm biodiversity is a fundamental practice for farmers implementing any method of sustainable or regenerative agriculture. Biodiversity creates a resilient ecosystem and there is strong evidence that species diversity and richness supports a productive and resilient farm enterprise. 

With eco-credentials and land stewardship becoming more accountable for recognition of good farm practices, farmers are often required to document the biodiversity assets on their farm and create a farm biodiversity plan. 


Melbourne Water region


This project will coincide with our Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator role. Funded January 2024- June 2028. 

Fact sheets

Below is a series of fact sheets developed to support farmers and growers with information on farm biodiversity. 

Native Vegetation Insectaries (NVI) for vegetable growers.

Need more support?

We can assist with farm site visits to discuss your farm biodiversity vision and ways we can assist farmers to improve their farm biodiversity. 

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